Trent Stewart Leadership Podcast

Trent Stewart Leadership Podcast

Hosted by: Dr. Trent Stewart

Making everyday leaders make everyday count.

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Life is Meaningless Without God

We’re all looking for something that will bring meaning into our life. We need life-giving moments to keep us going. King Solomon was known as the wisest man who ever lived. In the book of Ecclesiastes, he describes...
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Getting the Fire Back in Your Marriage - Part 2

Leadership starts at home and if you want to lead but your marriage is struggling it’s going to affect how you show up at work and in ministry. In today’s episode, Micah and I continue talking about getting the fire...
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Getting the Fire Back in Your Marriage - Part 1

Episode #10

Leadership starts at home so if your marriage is struggling it’s going to impact other areas of your leadership, especially your work and relationships. In today’s episode, I’m joined by my wife Micah for part 1 in a...
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How to Build Faith and Overcome Anxiety

Episode #9

We’ve been talking about anxiety and how it can be used for our good when we know how to respond to it. Today I want to finish this series by sharing three practical ways you can redirect your anxiety to strengthen...
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Anxiety Can Trigger for Good

Episode #8

We all deal with anxiety on some level, so we’ve got to learn how to deal with it. In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus actually tells us what the key to overcoming our anxiety is. In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about...
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Understanding Your Anxiety

Episode #7

With everything that’s going on in the world today it’s no wonder we’re anxious. We’re stressed about politics, the economy, health, education, our job, our marriage, our family. If you’re going to be a leader worth...
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What Makes You Angry? Part 2

Episode #6

Anger is a natural emotion that we all experience sometimes. It’s important that we learn how to deal with it appropriately otherwise it ends up hurting us and others. In this episode we’ll pick up where we left off...
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What Makes You Angry? Part 1

Episode #5

Anger is a natural emotion that we all experience it at some time or another. Getting angry doesn’t make you a bad person, it’s what you do with that anger that can lead to sin. In today’s episode, I want talk about...
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Steps to Forgiveness

Episode #4

The heart of a leader is the most important part of a leader. If your heart is not right, nothing you accomplish through your leadership will bring satisfaction. One thing many people struggle with is forgiveness....
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When Your Dream Is Tested

Episode #3

You may not consider yourself a leader, but as John Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence.” That means you become a leader when you decide to influence others. A big part of leading others is thinking about the...
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Dreams are Dangerous

Most of us have dreams and aspirations for our life; what we hope to become or things we hope to do. Maybe you’ve been pursing your dreams and working hard to accomplish them, but it seems like they’re never going to...
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What Does “Make It Count” Mean?

Episode #1

We can probably all agree that there is no shortage of interesting and entertaining podcasts out there to listen to. So today I want to start by sharing my reason for creating this podcast and where I think it fits in...
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