Leadership Articles

Bi-weekly posts from Dr. Trent Stewart

Does Your Faith Work? Jul 24, 2024

In 2006, an 18-year-old girl named Katie went on a short-term mission trip to Uganda. As a result, her life was radically changed. She was so moved by the brokenness of the people and the children...

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Time to Slow Down Jul 10, 2024

"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own because Christ Jesus has made me His own." (Philippians 3:12)

Are you stressed, not getting enough...

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Make a Good Plan that Honors God Jun 20, 2024

Are you a planner?

I've learned that in most couples, there's usually a planner and a non-planner. The planner is the one who organizes the vacation. They get the tickets, make the reservations,...

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The Best Advice a Father Has Ever Heard Jun 04, 2024

What's the best advice your father ever gave you? There was a time in my life when I was overworking and stressed out, and I was telling my dad about everything I was dealing with. Instead of...

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How Jesus Fulfills Your Deepest Need May 22, 2024

What is your biggest need today? If God showed up in a dream and asked, “What is the one thing you want me to do for you?” What would you say? Would you say you need money to pay...

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Learning How to Love Marriage - Part 2 Apr 23, 2024

What was the best gift you got for your wedding? I remember getting a toolset, which was great because I didn't own any tools. Micah may disagree, but for me, it was the best gift. We also got...

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Learning How to Love Marriage - Part 1 Apr 10, 2024

On your wedding day, someone probably read the classic Bible verses on love found in 1 Corinthians 13. On your wedding day, you probably thought you and your spouse had discovered the deep love the...

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The Christian Bedroom - Part 2 Mar 05, 2024

The grass might look greener on the other side, but grass only remains green if it gets enough water. If you don't water it regularly, it will die. The same is true for your marriage. Does it feel...

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The Christian Bedroom - Part 1 Feb 28, 2024

One of the most awkward five minutes of my life was when I was 13 years old and my dad said, "Hey, Trent, can you come into the living room? We need to talk." When that happens as a kid, you know...

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Let Go of 3 Things to Grow Feb 14, 2024

The journey through life is similar to climbing up the face of a mountain. In order to move up the mountain, you’ve got to grab onto the rock above you and pull yourself up. But that requires...

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Five Ways to Make Christmas Count family Dec 06, 2023

It is Christmas season again. We want to be leaders who make the Christmas season really count. We know this season tends to fly by, so I want to give you five ways to make Christmas count this...

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Four Habits To Become Thankful thankful Nov 08, 2023

What’s the best part about the Thanksgiving holiday? The food? Family? I tend to focus too much on the dessert and watching football. I started thinking about how I could embrace the...

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